4 Tips For Taking Care Of Your Commercial Propane Tank
If your business has a commercial propane tank on your property that you use as a source of fuel, you need to make sure that you are taking proper care of your commercial propane tank.
Get Your Safety Controls Tested
When you have a commercial propane tank on your property, that tank can hold a lot of fuel. You want to be able to turn off that fuel should an emergency ever arise. You want to be able to operate the safety controls should an emergency arise, which is why you should have the safety controls tested on your commercial propane tank at least once a year. Having your safety controls tested at least once a year is a great way to make sure you have control in an emergency situation.
Make Sure to Test for Leaks
Next, you should make sure that you test your propane tank for leaks. As the company you order fuel from if they can perform this task for you. You want to test for leaks a few times a year. Leaking propane is really serious and could result in an explosion should a flammable source be nearby, which is why you need to be vigilant and make sure that your tank is tested for leaks on a regular basis.
Protect Your Tank from Rust
Third, you want to make sure that you protect your tank from rusting. A rusty tank can be a safety hazards. One way to make sure that your tank doesn't rust is by painting the outside of the tank with a rust-resistant metal paint. You need to be very careful when you paint your propane tank though.
You need to clean the tank, remove any rust or dirt that is present with a wire brush, and wash your tank with some dish soap and warm water. Then, you need to apply rust-inhibiting metal primer to the tank before you apply the rust-resistant metal paint. It can take a few coats to get the right coverage. When you paint the tank, make sure that you don't cover up any important manufacturer information or data about the tank.
Keep Hazards Away From Your Tank
Finally, keep hazards away from your tank. Your tank should be located somewhere where it will not be disturbed. You don't want to store or put other items near your propane tank. Ideally, you should fence in your propane tank to ensure that nothing disturbs your propane tank.
Keep your propane tank safe and working properly by fencing off the area where your propane tank is located, testing regularly for leaks, making sure the safety controls work, and protecting your tank from rust.